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Robbie Stamp

CEO - BIOSS International


Bioss has launched ‘Conditions Analytics’ a new, data driven, way of making visible over time, the gaps between strategic intent and how work is actually being experienced in organisations. There is a crisis of governance in many organisations, who don’t do this kind of work, so costs rise, risks multiply and they fail to adapt. We’d like to contribute, in the face of the “Fourth Industrial Revolution,” and the need for Environmental and Social Governance agendas, to organisations that maximise the constructive aspects of human nature and minimise the destructive.

I am proud to be an Advisory Board Member of PASt – https://www.past.org.za, which funds paleontological research and education in Africa. This is part of my interest in deep shared origins and the future of Sapiens and our stewardship of the planet.

I am Chairman of h2g2.com, was an Executive Producer on the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy feature film released in 2005 by Walt Disney Pictures. I co-founded The Digital Village with the late great Douglas Adams in 1995. TDV created the “earth edition” of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy – h2g2.com. I’m making relaunch plans now!

I am Chairman of HappenedHere, a new history podcast venture with Stephen Fry and Joanna Lumley.

Specialties: Public Speaking two TEDx London events, Keynote at CognitionX 2017, 2018 and 2019 (with my mother, son and daughter!) and 2020 and CogXtra panel chair – Guest Lecture at the Judge Business School Cambridge. Artificial Intelligence, AI Ethics, Adaptive Governance, Media, Data Analytics, development of human capability, being a good ancestor..


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