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Alex Birke

CEO- Accenture Business Agility ASG


I studied computer science and psychology and work as a trainer, coach, and consultant.

I gained experience in organizations by leading teams and projects in large-scale IT initiatives. For the last 10+ years, I have co-created and advised on change initiatives in large companies. I am passionate about designing organizations that enable and engage people to create fulfilling job environments allowing organizations to grow beyond their former limits.

I believe in sharing his deep knowledge and experience as a lecturer both at universities and conferences.

Beyond typical professional work activities, I was engaged as a badminton trainer and university lecturer for technical, management, and soft-skill topics.

I own several trainer and coach licenses as ScaledAgileFramework, emTrace coach, Kanban trainer AKT badminton trainer.

In 2020 I issued together with Henrik Gruber the book Stumbling Across The Obvious – www.stumblingAcrossTheObvious.com.

• Primary languages: German (native), English (fluent)
• Industry certifications: Holding about 20 certifications in the field of software development, architecture, development, and methodologies
• Public appearances and conference speeches: ~10 written publications and 30 conference speeches on large public conferences as e.g. OOP, JAX, GOTO, Agile World, WJAX, AbIT, ManageAgile

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